Helpful Links

The International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) has produced a wealth of information helpful to anyone caring for a pet that is reluctant to eat, with or without a feeding tube.

Video: “A Guide to caring for a cat with an oesophagostomy tube
Article: “Inappetence

Fear Free Happy Homes blog

Read their article Feeding Tubes: A Fear Free Path to Recovery

Feline Assisted Feeding

A discussion group for anyone with a cat that needs assisted feeding, whether syringe feeding or any of the various feeding tubes. You will find support and answers to many of your basic questions such as how to prepare the food; tips for encouraging an anorexic cat, coping with FHL (feline hepatic lipidosis) and other common reasons for cats that aren’t eating.

A comprehensive resource for understanding all types of Chronic Kidney Disease (or CRF) and Acute Kidney Injury with an excellent glossary.

IBD Kitties

A site dedicated to providing accessible information about Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), as well as the conditions and diseases that can accompany it.

An excellent source of information for managing diabetic cats with an associated message board for questions and resources.